User Tier System

Users who participate in our ecosystem of $CLOVE, $BULB, or $GARLIC coins will be potentially eligible for future airdrops and other rewards. The following tier system will be in place: Tier 1 - User has interacted with two of the core currencies.

Tier 2 - User has interacted with all three of the core currencies.

Tier 3 - User has pooled one of the core currencies with another legitimate currency. Tier 4 - User has pooled two of the core currencies with another legitimate currency.

Tier 5 - User has pooled all three of the core currencies with another legitimate currency.

Tier 6 - User has pooled and burned one of the core currencies with ETH.

Tier 7 - User has pooled and burned two one of the core currencies with ETH.

Tier 8 - User has pooled and burned all three of the core currencies with ETH.

Tier 9 - User demonstrated 100k+ worth of volume/month to any of the three core currencies and is deemed a Garlic market maker. Rewards will be given to users corresponding to what Tier they are in. Special consideration may be given to users who create content, assist with development, or engage with the community in a significant way, on a case-by-case basis. Starting LP will be reduced in order to facilitate this. Garlic Farms brings opportunity to every young gardener who is excited, eager, and invested into the Avalanche ecosystem equal incentive to receive accolades by participating in Garlic Farms on Avax.

Last updated